Scared to Store Data in the Cloud? Here are Three Cloud Myths Debunked

a hand is holding a tablet with a cloud coming out of it

By Insights The Cloud remains one of the most significant technological innovations of the last decade. Companies continue to leverage “as a Service” solutions to transfer some or all of their technical infrastructure to Cloud-based service providers. Even consumers use the Cloud to back up vital data, including photos and other media.    But is it safe? If […]

5 of the Highest Paying IT Jobs

By Insights To keep your technology career trending upwards, you need to pay attention to the most lucrative roles in the field. That information lets you gain the right skills and experience to qualify for open positions when they are posted. As a tech professional, you must never become stagnant, lest your abilities become obsolete.  […]

Is Your Company Geared to Prevent Cyber Attacks?

By Insights Hardly a day goes by without a hacking incident appearing on the evening news. With the exponential growth of eCommerce, social media, and online banking, cybercriminals enjoy a copious number of easy targets. Businesses aren’t immune to the scourge of cybercrime, as hackers regularly infect corporate networks with malware, or worse yet, ransomware.    […]

Can You Use Social Media to Find Your Next IT Assignment?

Social media plays a major role in most people’s lives today, including in their job search. The question is can it help you land your dream job all on it’s own? Around half of all job searches are conducted online. Almost one-quarter of all jobs are secured by word of mouth. If you have a […]

Are You Making the Most of Your Relationship With Your IT Solutions Partner?

Many companies who don’t need their own full-time in-house information technology staff will turn to an outside IT solutions partner. This outside partner should have expertise in the field of information technology and be able to provide assistance with the core IT functions your company needs help with, ranging from software and hardware selection to […]

A Crash Course in the Difference Between Agile and Waterfall Methods

As a developer, you need to select the right development methodology if you want your project to go smoothly. There are two primary options you may wish to implement: The Waterfall methodology and the Agile methodology.   The Waterfall methodology is the traditional approach to development, while Agile is a newer form of project management […]

Why Professionally Designed and Created Slide Decks Make Better Sales

Slide decks are an important communication tool that can help you to close a sale. You can convey valuable, substantive information more effectively with a slide deck, and a slide deck will also help keep you organized during presentations. But, your slide deck will only be an asset to your sales efforts if the slide […]

Top 3 Additional Skills That Pay to Have on Your IT Resume

When you earn an IT degree, you open a world of opportunity for yourself. There are many different industries which need IT help and many directions your career can go in if you are an Information Technology graduate. Still, there is a lot of competition for the best jobs for qualified IT professionals, so take […]

4 Things You Can Do When Your Production App Crashes

When you produce an app, you want to provide a seamless user experience. Unfortunately, things can go wrong with apps you create. Your app may end up crashing, which does not convey the impression you want. It’s important to get your app back up and running quickly when a crash happens and be proactive in […]

Are You Keeping Up-to-Date with SEO Trends?

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is key to connecting with a wider audience and making sure potential customers can take advantage of the products and services you are offering. If your SEO is poor, you will miss opportunities for people to directly hit your website on their search for expert services. SEO is not something […]
