Technology Partners has always been a champion of people, and that includes providing tools for individuals to develop as technology leaders. We fully believe in offering a complete and well-rounded approach that not only enables a person to become better technically and mentally, but also with professional core competencies.

A Note from CEO, Lisa Nichols

Here at Technology Partners, we have made it our mission to curate some of the finest and most rewarding programs with organizations that profoundly shape both the IT industry and people with whom they work. We are thankful for the endless possibilities that are continuously making us all better. Because after all, what is really possible if we only believe? What are you and I missing out on when we allow fear or excuses to rob us of possibility? Let us hold each other to the standard of living each day full out by embracing the possibilities. 

Start today by investing in your technology leadership skills with Tech LX! What started as a partnership with our good friend, Dan Roberts, CEO of Ouellette & Associates, and his team, Tech LX has been a catalyst in turning Saint Louis into the tech hub of the Midwest! 

Whether you’re looking to engage with a weekly podcast with world-class leaders full of personal and professional advice or to strengthen your IT career (or someone else’s), we’ve developed those growth opportunities and can’t wait for you to jump in!

IT Leadership Resources

Something Extra Podcast

Have you ever asked the question, “What makes a true leader different than everyone else?” Join our CEO Lisa Nichols as she interviews leaders from around the world to share their stories and show us what it takes to influence, encourage, and be a true leader in our daily lives.

The Technology Leadership Experience (TechLX)

You need strong IT leadership skills to become the professional you aspire to be. Let Technology Partners, in partnership with Ouellette & Associates, help you on the journey and assist you in developing the skills required to be part of the next generation of tech leaders.

Join this growing network of TechLX graduates who continue in community and leadership development beyond the program.

HMG Strategy Executive Leadership Summit in St. Louis


Each year, Technology Partners and The Hunter Muller Group (HMG) presents the HMG Strategy Executive Leadership Summit in St. Louis, delivering world class thought leadership. Attendees receive unique insights into best practices and hear success stories involving leadership, management, technology and career development. If you’re a CIO and interested in participating on the Advisory Board for the upcoming conference, please let us know! 


Pages with text and pictures help users retain information 323% better than pages with just text.

Technology Partners has amazed me. To this day, our partnership with them is one of the best business decisions we’ve made.

Alice Lawrence, CEO of Jordan Lawrence

Find your voice with our digital media and video solutions today.