Is Your Team Harnessing the Power of the Cloud?

Cloud computing remains one of the biggest trends of the technology world. For the last decade, companies gained significant benefits by migrating a portion of their technical infrastructure to Cloud-based providers. These organizations save money while also boosting their productivity by leveraging Cloud services like IaaS and SaaS.   Needless to say, the Cloud remains an […]

2021 Technology Trend Predictions

Whether you are a software engineer or manage an IT team, understanding the latest technology trends is a must. After all, the tech world shifts on a yearly basis, requiring one to keep a finger on the pulse of the industry. Failure to do so leads to being left behind with an obsolete skill set.  […]

Did You Know That First Impressions Are 94% Design Related?

By Insights  Any company’s website needs to provide a compelling experience to first-time visitors. After all, remember what they say about not getting a second chance to make a first impression. Additionally, considering most people browsing the web now do so on a mobile device, the corporate website also needs to look great on a […]

5 Signs You Have Been Coasting in Your Tech Career

By Insights If your IT career seems in the doldrums and you feel generally uninspired, and at a dead-end, you need to figure out the cause of this malaise quickly. Is the problem your current job role, manager, or even the company itself? Perhaps it’s just a temporary issue, and some fresh inspiration lies right […]

Is Your Company Resisting Technological Changes?

By Insights In the modern economy, nearly all businesses rely on technology as a significant part of their operations. Of course, newer disruptive tech innovations offer a competitive advantage to those companies able to embrace the change. Those organizations resistant or unable to adopt new technologies run the risk of being left behind.  If your […]

When it’s Time to Say “Goodbye” to Your Business’s Design Look

Having the right digital content is essential in this day and age when so many of your customers will likely interact with you online. You want your website, logos, videos and other content to be appealing, accessible on different devices, and representative of your brand.  Unfortunately, if you haven’t changed your digital designs in a […]

Are You Making the Most of Your Relationship With Your IT Solutions Partner?

Many companies who don’t need their own full-time in-house information technology staff will turn to an outside IT solutions partner. This outside partner should have expertise in the field of information technology and be able to provide assistance with the core IT functions your company needs help with, ranging from software and hardware selection to […]

A Crash Course in the Difference Between Agile and Waterfall Methods

As a developer, you need to select the right development methodology if you want your project to go smoothly. There are two primary options you may wish to implement: The Waterfall methodology and the Agile methodology.   The Waterfall methodology is the traditional approach to development, while Agile is a newer form of project management […]

Why Professionally Designed and Created Slide Decks Make Better Sales

Slide decks are an important communication tool that can help you to close a sale. You can convey valuable, substantive information more effectively with a slide deck, and a slide deck will also help keep you organized during presentations. But, your slide deck will only be an asset to your sales efforts if the slide […]

Top 3 Additional Skills That Pay to Have on Your IT Resume

When you earn an IT degree, you open a world of opportunity for yourself. There are many different industries which need IT help and many directions your career can go in if you are an Information Technology graduate. Still, there is a lot of competition for the best jobs for qualified IT professionals, so take […]
