Are You Struggling to Fill a Talent Gap?

Preventing a technology skills gap remains an important goal for any company, no matter its business sector. Failing to source and hire talented IT candidates causes organizations to fall behind in a competitive marketplace. This problem becomes exacerbated when employees look elsewhere for employment. Maintaining a robust talent pool needs to be a major focus […]

How to Refocus and Remotivate Yourself After the Summer Months

Summertime is great for taking a vacation to burn off some steam, but refocusing your efforts on your job afterward is a must. Remember, keeping your productivity level at its highest throughout the year plays an essential role in forging a successful technology career. If you lack motivation in the office, expect your manager to […]

Tips to Find Senior Level IT Candidates

When you have to fill a tech staffing need at your company, searching for a senior-level IT professional is a wise choice. These veteran technologists typically boast a wide variety of skills and loads of tangible experience with a variety of organizations. They also tend to possess the soft skills companies need to thrive in […]

The Uncovered Benefits of Working From Home

by Insights The current COVID-19 pandemic increased the number of companies requiring employees to work from home, especially in the tech industry. Telecommuting used to be a perk offered to attract great candidates looking for the flexibility to foster their work-life balance. Now, it’s a necessity driven by the need to slow down the spread […]

Here’s How You Can Attract Passive IT Candidates to Your Business

Looking to hire top candidates for open IT positions? You should be aware that some of the best workers  have jobs already, but may be open to new employment even if they are not actively looking for work. By finding a way to connect with these passive candidates, your company can get a leg up […]

Work Remotely? Here’s How You Can Maximize Your Productivity!

Working remotely can be great since you don’t have to waste time commuting and you may have a lot more flexibility regarding how you structure your days. At the same time, when you work remotely, you also have a lot less oversight and a lot less interaction with your boss and co-workers. This means it […]

A Crash Course in the Difference Between Agile and Waterfall Methods

As a developer, you need to select the right development methodology if you want your project to go smoothly. There are two primary options you may wish to implement: The Waterfall methodology and the Agile methodology.   The Waterfall methodology is the traditional approach to development, while Agile is a newer form of project management […]

Why Professionally Designed and Created Slide Decks Make Better Sales

Slide decks are an important communication tool that can help you to close a sale. You can convey valuable, substantive information more effectively with a slide deck, and a slide deck will also help keep you organized during presentations. But, your slide deck will only be an asset to your sales efforts if the slide […]

Top 3 Additional Skills That Pay to Have on Your IT Resume

When you earn an IT degree, you open a world of opportunity for yourself. There are many different industries which need IT help and many directions your career can go in if you are an Information Technology graduate. Still, there is a lot of competition for the best jobs for qualified IT professionals, so take […]

4 Things You Can Do When Your Production App Crashes

When you produce an app, you want to provide a seamless user experience. Unfortunately, things can go wrong with apps you create. Your app may end up crashing, which does not convey the impression you want. It’s important to get your app back up and running quickly when a crash happens and be proactive in […]
