Here’s What NOT to Say During Your Next Interview

Here’s What NOT to Say During Your Next Interview


An exemplary interview performance plays a massive role in your chances of earning an IT job offer. Sure, the tangible tech skills and experience expressed on your résumé help get you in the door, but the interview is where you seal the deal. Practicing before the big day ensures you are prepared while keeping any nervousness to a minimum.

Part of your practice routine needs to be reviewing what things NOT to say during the interview. Give these items a review the night before to make sure no slip-ups hamper your chances at the tech job of your dreams. Good luck!


  • Don’t Speak Poorly of Former Bosses and Employers

Resist the urge to place your previous employers or managers in a bad light. A neutral tack works best when discussing any difficult portions of your career or even why you are leaving your current position.


  • Expressing Nervousness is the Wrong Approach

Even if you are nervous during an interview, keep those feelings to yourself. Watch your body language as well. Companies want to hire technology professionals who exude confidence.

*Work on displaying positive and confident body language during your interview practice.


  • Don’t Apologize for a Lack of Experience

Remember what we just said about displaying a confident air during an interview? Focus on the positive aspects of your IT career to date, including the desire and ability to learn things quickly.

  • When Too Much Interview Practice is Bad

Well, too much interview practice is never bad; however, don’t over-rehearse answers so it seems you simply memorized them. You want to foster a natural conversation during the interview. Focus on researching your technical skills, experience, and the company in question beforehand instead of memorizing specific answers.


  • “Sorry I’m Late for the Interview”

Whatever you do, make sure you are on time for the interview. Review the directions to the interview site and pay attention to any rush hour traffic patterns that might make you tardy. At the same time, don’t arrive too early. Fifteen minutes ahead of schedule is the best!


When you need additional insights on interview preparation, talk to the expert recruiters at Technology Partners. One of the leading technical staffing agencies in the Midwest, we can help take your career to a higher level. Connect with us as soon as possible!



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