Your company’s information technology (IT) infrastructure can make or break your business success. Having solid IT systems in place makes it easier for employees to access information, work collaboratively, and behave innovatively. One of the quickest ways to hurt your company’s morale or culture is by consistently providing technology or software that hinders or restricts the amount of work your team can complete. Good IT security is also essential to protect your company’s business secrets and to preventing a costly data breach in which proprietary or private information falls into the wrong hands.
To make sure your organization is making the best use of important technologies, IT audits need to be conducted periodically. These audits ensure your IT controls to protect the integrity of business data as well as protecting corporate assets. Audits also assess whether your IT infrastructure is adequate to help achieve your business goals. IT auditors will examine all aspects of your system, so you need to be prepared.
Identifying the members of the audit team.
You should know who will be conducting the audit, what their training and credentials are, and what their assignments are in the audit process. You may need to provide the auditors with orientation or training into your organization so they will better be able to determine if your IT systems are set up to fulfill corporate goals. Balancing any orientation with “this is how we have always done this” is very important because you want an honest assessment and audit of your company’s IT structure.
Determining the purpose and scope of the audit.
You need to know exactly what the audit is supposed to accomplish. If you have one set of goals and your audit team has another set of expectations, there’s a real possibility the end result won’t be the right outcome for either side. It is also essential to know how long the audit will take, and what access you need to provide to auditors, so you can begin that process.
Informing affected IT staff.
Some of your IT staff may be working with auditors or may need to provide IT information to auditors. Be sure your staff is prepared to provide the necessary details which auditors need to be made aware of. Surprising your IT staff that morning with an announcement of “You need to work with our audit team” won’t be met with open arms. Respect your team’s schedule and plan out in advance when you will need them to assist the auditors.
To make certain your IT systems are effective and adequate to accomplish company goals, you need to have skilled and passionate IT workers employed by your organization. Technology Partners can help to make sure your IT staff is on-the-ball and has the talent and knowledge to ensure your system will always work optimally. Being ready for an audit is easy with qualified IT team members who keep things running smoothly every day of the year. To learn more about how our professional IT recruiters can help you to find qualified candidates, contact us today at 877-636-1331 or contact us online.