5 Skills You Need to Become a Software Developer

a woman in a polka dot shirt is typing on a computer

By Insights The promise of a lucrative and rewarding career allure people to become a software developer. But do you possess the right skills and education to start your journey as a programmer? Do you need to acquire a four-year degree in computer science or a related field?   Intending to help achieve your professional dreams […]

Start Measuring Your IT Employees’ Performance With KPIs

By Insights Successful project management depends on having the right metrics to analyze the effort of your team. In a broader sense, the same concept also applies to your employees’ overall performance throughout the year. It’s an essential part of being able to recognize your top performers and reward them accordingly accurately.   Understanding the right […]

How Are You Managing Different Personalities on Your IT Team?

Managing an IT team brings lots of challenges as you need to understand the logistics of technology that your staff members are working with. In addition to having a clear idea of what staff members are doing within the technical realm, you also can’t lose sight of the fact that ultimately, you’re managing people and […]

Is Your IT Team Facing Burnout: Here’s Why!

Many employees today are working hard to achieve professional success. While having a hardworking staff is every employer’s dream, there’s a danger when employees push themselves too far and get burned out. This can be a big issue in IT where it seems like the work is never-ending and there’s always something new to learn. […]

5 Things Remote Workers Want From Their Bosses

Working remotely has become much more popular thanks to technological advances that allow employees to work anywhere. There are many great remote companies that do a wonderful job making staff members feel like they are part of a team – but there are also some remote companies that fall short of keeping staff members engaged. […]

Bring Your IT Job Search to an End… FAST!

Work with a staffing professional Use advanced filtering on job boards Be more selective in jobs you apply to Continuing to search during the interview process   If you’re involved in a job search and are looking for the perfect position in information technology, you may find yourself getting frustrated with how long the process […]

When it’s Time to Say “Goodbye” to Your Business’s Design Look

Having the right digital content is essential in this day and age when so many of your customers will likely interact with you online. You want your website, logos, videos and other content to be appealing, accessible on different devices, and representative of your brand.  Unfortunately, if you haven’t changed your digital designs in a […]

Why Professionally Designed and Created Slide Decks Make Better Sales

Slide decks are an important communication tool that can help you to close a sale. You can convey valuable, substantive information more effectively with a slide deck, and a slide deck will also help keep you organized during presentations. But, your slide deck will only be an asset to your sales efforts if the slide […]

Top 3 Additional Skills That Pay to Have on Your IT Resume

When you earn an IT degree, you open a world of opportunity for yourself. There are many different industries which need IT help and many directions your career can go in if you are an Information Technology graduate. Still, there is a lot of competition for the best jobs for qualified IT professionals, so take […]

Are You Keeping Up-to-Date with SEO Trends?

Search engine optimization, or SEO, is key to connecting with a wider audience and making sure potential customers can take advantage of the products and services you are offering. If your SEO is poor, you will miss opportunities for people to directly hit your website on their search for expert services. SEO is not something […]
