How Can You Make Your Workplace a Community?

By Insights  A welcoming office culture plays a vital role in the success of any technology organization. After all, it’s a great way to keep employee morale at its highest, with improved efficiency and productivity as a result. In the end, a great company culture makes your organization more like a community as opposed to […]

Graduating Early: What are Your First Steps With Your New IT Degree?

If you are graduating early with an IT degree, finding a job can be a challenge. While the economy is good, unemployment rates are low and there should be lots of opportunity, graduating early in the year means it may be more difficult for you to connect with employers since there are fewer big events […]

Important Tips for User-Friendly Mobile Apps

With most internet users increasingly connecting on mobile devices, smart companies know the importance of conquering the mobile application market. However, creating a great mobile app is about more than just writing code that runs on mobile devices. You want users to love your app, rate it highly and use it regularly.   This means […]

Why Does the End User Experience Matter So Much?

With any technology, user friendliness is essential. Whether your company is designing applications, websites, or anything else in the information technology world, your business will only be as successful as end users find your finished product to be. If they don’t have an enjoyable experience, you can bet they will be looking at another option […]

Show Your Worth as an IT Security Candidate

Information technology security is a relatively new concern that some traditional companies have a hard time fully grasping. Although virtually every business today has some type of digital presence or uses some type of computer software or digital data collection, many companies underestimate the importance of IT security – until it becomes too late. The […]

Why Certifications Alone Won’t Land You Your Next Job

Certifications show your familiarity with software and programming tools, but certifications are not the only qualifications you need to get information technology jobs. Employers are looking for more than just someone with technical knowledge – they want job candidates who can use that knowledge to produce results. You’ll need to show you have practical experience […]

Make Networking Your Friend

In the IT world, getting a job is about what you know – but it is also about who you know. When you work your network effectively, you can find out about open job opportunities and get the insider info necessary for finding a new position or advancing your career. If you come with a […]

Clean Up Your Resume to Showcase Years of Experience

When you are looking for a job in the information technology field, you’ll face tough competition. Employers care deeply about the skills and experience you have, as any hiring company wants to make sure you’re up-to-date and able to provide the latest in technology services. Your resume needs to make you stand out from the […]
