3 Easy Ways to Optimize Your Resume for the Web 

The job hunt is all about finding ways to stick out. If you’re looking for a job in IT, previous experience alone won’t get you your next gig.  Nowadays, nearly all tech recruiters use online tools to find candidates. Optimizing your resume for the web makes it easier for recruiters and hiring managers to find […]

What Should a Tech Résumé Look Like?

Finding any lucrative technology job begins with a compelling résumé able to attract interested hiring managers. It needs to be clear, concise, and easy to follow, allowing a recruiter to quickly determine your qualifications. Remember, some companies receive upwards of 100 or more applicants for any open IT position. Standing out from the pack remains […]

Increase Your Odds of Getting That Interview

Embarking on a technology job search requires a plan, focus, and persistent effort. If you want to earn an interview with a top company, simply emailing your résumé isn’t the best approach. In fact, tailoring your candidacy (résumé, cover letter, etc.) to the specific job in question gives you the best chance at a successful […]

Clean Up Your Resume to Showcase Years of Experience

When you are looking for a job in the information technology field, you’ll face tough competition. Employers care deeply about the skills and experience you have, as any hiring company wants to make sure you’re up-to-date and able to provide the latest in technology services. Your resume needs to make you stand out from the […]
