Increase Your Odds of Getting That Interview

Embarking on a technology job search requires a plan, focus, and persistent effort. If you want to earn an interview with a top company, simply emailing your résumé isn’t the best approach. In fact, tailoring your candidacy (résumé, cover letter, etc.) to the specific job in question gives you the best chance at a successful […]

Advance Your Communication Skills With Three Easy Steps

By Insights Excellent communication skills are an essential part of any rewarding technology career. Strong verbal abilities – including public speaking acumen, help when leading meetings, or interacting with clients. Skill with the written word helps technology professionals craft specifications and other important documentation.  If you aren’t a natural communicator, don’t fret, as it’s easy […]

BEGIN Your IT Career With Professional Certifications!

by Insights If you are a fresh graduate with a technical degree in hand, embarking on your first job search seems pretty harrowing. After all, without any tangible professional experience – maybe except for an internship – are companies going to be interested in you? But don’t worry; one great way to bootstrap your tech […]

More Than 90% of Companies Use Staffing Agencies – Do You?

by Insights In this current job market, companies now find it challenging to source talented tech candidates, especially in high-demand job roles, like mobile development, machine learning, and information security. This is only one of the reasons your company needs to leverage the help of a staffing agency for its hiring needs.  Why Do Companies […]

How Recent Grads Can Compete For IT Positions

by Insights Congratulations are in order, considering your recent graduation with a new technology degree in hand. All the hard work and long nights spent studying paid off, and you are ready to begin a rewarding IT career. Unfortunately, there’s this pandemic going on, so naturally, you are worried about your chances of even getting […]

5 Ways to Stand Out as a Senior Level Candidate

By Insights  The technology world relies on excellent management and executive talent for success. Senior-level IT professionals are needed for a multitude of important tech managerial roles. The experience and wisdom that comes with over ten years of experience remains vital throughout the industry.  When interviewing as an executive candidate, it helps to understand the […]

Finding Purpose Within Your Career

By Insights  While a technology career is generally rewarding and lucrative, many IT professionals need a deeper sense of fulfillment. Finding purpose in a tech career helps keep you engaged, inspired, and productive. Most employers understand this need and strive to craft a company culture able to ensure their staff stays professionally satisfied.  If you […]

How to Get Your Desired Results From Networking

By Insights  A robust professional network remains a successful part of any lifelong technology career. For instance, colleagues from your network might offer advice when you’re trying to solve a difficult technical problem at work. They are also an excellent source for great job opportunities, especially from companies looking for passive candidates.   When looking for […]

How to Continually Challenge Yourself in Your IT Job

By Insights There is one constant in any technology career: the learning only ends on your day of retirement. Essentially, a successful professional life in IT requires you to challenge yourself continually. Challenges include learning the latest tech innovations, developing critical soft skills, and setting the goals to ensure you are always getting better.  With […]

5 Skills You Need to Become a Software Developer

a woman in a polka dot shirt is typing on a computer

By Insights The promise of a lucrative and rewarding career allure people to become a software developer. But do you possess the right skills and education to start your journey as a programmer? Do you need to acquire a four-year degree in computer science or a related field?   Intending to help achieve your professional dreams […]
