Something Extra with Lisa Nichols

Join our CEO Lisa Nichols as she interviews leaders from around the world to share their stories and show us what it takes to influence, encourage, and be a true leader in our daily lives.

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Episode 251: There Are Good Things in the Short Straw w/ Tom Kosnik

Tom Kosnik, President of Visus Group and Founder of Presidents’ RoundTable, says he got into the staffing industry because he drew the shortest straw. Now, he will be the first to laugh and tell you that this was the best thing for him. Tune in as he and Lisa discuss the intersection of community and entrepreneurship, as well as the importance of examining your blind spots for business growth.

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Episode 250: Seeking First to Understand w/ Bob Tiede

“Leadership is not as much about knowing the right answers as it is about asking the right questions.” While all of our guests have wonderful insights into Something Extra, this might be one of our favorites. Join us for a special 250th episode as we hear from Bob Tiede on the importance of leading with questions and drawing out deep thoughts from your people.

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Episode 249: What Would You Do For Free? w/ Dana Spinola

“If you love what you do, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Although this path requires some blood, sweat, and tears, Dana Spinola would be the first to tell you it leads to a life of abundance. As the founder of the southern boutique franchise, fab’rik, Dana shares how she turned her love of design into a career and learned from the setbacks along the way. Plus, this episode comes with an added bonus of Dana’s go-to wardrobe suggestion. Make sure to listen!

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Episode 248: Mobilizing Communities Through Relationship w/ Lucas Rouggly

Twelve years ago, Lucas Rouggly and his wife moved their family onto Enright Avenue in North St. Louis. As several friends and family members helped with projects around the community, the non-profit LOVEtheLOU was formed. Listen in to hear the inspirational story of how this organization has championed the talents of its neighbors and harnessed relationships for transformation.

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Episode 247: Running Into the Storm w/ Greg Atchison

After 40 years of combined military, corporate, and academic experience, Greg Atchison has become an expert in organizational management. Today, he helps business owners and their companies as the Principal Chair of C12 of Greater St. Louis. Tune in to find out why the best leaders run toward the storm instead of away from it, and then leverage this approach to maintain a learning mindset in all seasons of life.

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Episode 246: Failing Fast and Learning as You Go w/ Emily Hemingway

Up until high school, Emily Hemingway said she was going to be the first female president. Today, as a National Ecosystem Champion & Founding Executive Director of TechSTL, Emily has made her mark in leadership and government. Listen in on her conversation with Lisa to learn about St. Louis’ first tech council and get her perspective on persevering through failure.

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Episode 245: The Future of Leadership in a VUCA World w/ Dr. Bob Johansen

Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity – or VUCA – are the realities of the world we live in today. Dr. Bob Johansen, Distinguished Fellow at the Institute for the Future, has authored or co-authored 12 books and recently completed a trilogy that details the types of leadership that will thrive in the next decade. Dig into this episode to shape your own management style.

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Episode 244: Finding Your Net Worthwhile w/ Heather Fortner

Heather Fortner took her professional counseling degree and established a career in wealth management. As the Chair & CEO of SignatureFD, Heather is committed to helping people find their Net Worthwhile and develop habits in accordance with it. Tune in to hear how she leads as an empathetic coach and supports clients through the twists and turns of their financial journey.

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Episode 243: Building a Team That Wins Together w/ Todd Finders

Growing up in rural Iowa didn’t stop Todd Finders from developing a love of technology. Now, as the Senior Vice President and Chief Information Officer at Clayco, he reflects on how being raised in a small town helped him cultivate his sense of integrity and leadership. Listen today to find out why “competitive empathy” is Something Extra he believes every leader needs.

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Episode 242: Never Forget Your Vision w/ Cary Granat

When Cary Granat left a multibillion-dollar partner of Miramax Films and founded his own media company, he wanted to recapture a sense of imagination. Since then, he has been a partner in producing films such as the Narnia Series, Holes, Bridge to Terebithia, and more. Join us to hear why true leaders hold fast to their ideas while being flexible to improvements along the way.

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