The Rise of Remote Work: Hiring Strategies to Adapt to a Virtual World

As the COVID pandemic slowly wanes, it appears remote working is here to stay. While some companies want a return to the office, many professionals – especially IT pros – prefer to work from home. Successfully attracting tech candidates requires businesses to consider these needs before starting any staffing process. Ultimately, your company needs to […]

Managing Your Work-Life Balance When Remote Working

Remote working remains a common practice in the IT world, even as the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic wane. Many technology professionals work from home every day or only come into the office a few days per week. It allows them to avoid the hassle of commuting while still maintaining high productivity levels. While keeping […]

Finding The Right Balance: The Pros and Cons of Remote and Office Work

The COVID-19 pandemic ushered in a new era in employment, with remote working effectively becoming a requirement for most. Technology professionals enjoyed the lack of a commute, with most becoming more productive as a result. However, some tech employers still long for a return to the office, adopting a traditional approach as a result. Notably, […]
