Something Extra with Lisa Nichols

Join our CEO Lisa Nichols as she interviews leaders from around the world to share their stories and show us what it takes to influence, encourage, and be a true leader in our daily lives.

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Episode 151: The Power of Partnership w/ Dedric Carter

According to Dedric Carter, Vice Chancellor for Operations and Professor of Engineering Practice at Washington University, the secret sauce to living a wonderful life is leaning into the power of partnership. Taking a few minutes out of your day to listen to our latest episode will enrichen your life in how to take full advantage of partnership in your work, personal, and spiritual life. 

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Episode 150: Labors of Love w/ Sandi Brown

Throughout this year, Zoom fatigue has become a reality for most and the margin between rest and WFH keeps getting smaller and smaller. The good news is that we can do something about it. Join Lisa and Sandi Brown as they discuss the beauty of built-in margins, self-awareness to honor those around you, and how labors of love can make all the difference for your leadership.

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Episode 149: Facing The Giants w/ Dan Clark

We know that if the task was easy, everyone would be doing it; however, how do we move forward when the task is daunting and we’re alone in facing it? In this week’s episode, Dan Clark, CEO at, shares insights on how curiosity and perseverance could be game changers in your leadership.

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Episode 148: Choosing Your Leadership Diet w/ Sarah Hill

Did you know your thoughts can shift the patterns of your brain? In this 148th episode of Something Extra, CEO of Healium, Sarah Hill, breaks down the significance of mental fitness and how it significantly impacts our daily lives. This is an episode you don’t want to miss!

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Episode 147: Watching Your Language w/ Sonia Jackson Myles

What a beautiful thing it is to have a mentor speak into the trajectory of your life. In this week’s episode, Founder, President, and CEO of The Sister Accord, Sonia Jackson Myles, speaks into the value of mentorship, the cost of patience, and the importance of always finding a way. 

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Episode 146: Efficient vs. Effective Leadership w/ Scott Miller

The difference between efficiency and effectiveness is a fine line to walk, but when you master balancing the tension of the two you’ll radically improve your leadership footprint. We were honored to have Scott Miller share his story and experience with us in this 146th episode of Something Extra. 

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Episode 145: Achieving Your Million Dollar Dream w/ Brian Cook

When it comes to the mountians in front of you needing to be moved, it’s not about whether or not it can be done — it’s about how you’re going to tackle this hurdle. Brian Cook, CEO at Pete’s/Hollandia Produce, shares with Lisa this week how leadership makes all the difference when authenticity and resiliency are displayed. 

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Episode 144: Leadership That Mobilizes w/ Beverly Kaye

According to Dr. Beverly Kaye, your career mobility is a kaleidoscope, not a telescope where you set your eyes on one thing. Changing your frame slightly can make all the difference. In this episode, you will cultivate your leadership mindset as you reflect on how you encounter change, your engagement at the table, and how quickly you celebrate the work put in front of you.

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Episode 143: How to Lead Without a Word w/ Jane Adshead-Grant

Seeking to understand, resisting the urge to interrupt, and minimizing distractions are just a few of the practical ways to improve your listening skills. In this week’s episode with listening specialist, Jane Adshead-Grant, you will walk away with insights on the colors of listening, how to lead without speaking, and how to develop deeper relationships through your listening.

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Episode 142: Consistency For The Long Run w/ Matthew Porter

Matthew Porter, President and CTO of EmpowerMe Wellness, is the epitome of grit, resilience, and gratitude. From this 142nd episode, you will walk away with action steps to build a better culture, encouragement from Matthew’s story, and opportunities for making a difference in the St. Louis area.

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