Something Extra with Lisa Nichols

Join our CEO Lisa Nichols as she interviews leaders from around the world to share their stories and show us what it takes to influence, encourage, and be a true leader in our daily lives.

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Episode 170: Prioritizing Stress Management and Wellness w/ Coach Melody

Implementing change of any kind involves commitment. It’s not about knowing the right thing to do, but actually doing it. Are you setting yourself up to be the best version of you for your employees, friends, and family? Listen to Lisa’s new interview with Coach Melody at Unwrap You as they discuss how to prioritize wellness and teach you how to drive change in the face of any challenge.

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Episode 169: Training Your Mind for Leadership w/ Dr. Jason Selk

Having studied the most successful people for 20 years, Dr. Jason Selk, Mental Toughness Expert, Keynote Speaker, Performance Coach, and Author, has identified the keys to achieving results. Learn how to shift from problem-centric thinking to relentless solution focus in order to experience not only results in your career but also greater confidence and overall well-being. You’ll be encouraged with practical tips and intriguing thoughts in episode 169 of Something Extra!

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Episode 168: Leading with Integrity No Matter What w/ Valerie E. Patton

A good leader brings people to the table and listens to them. Being conscientious in growing your workforce requires passion, persistence and perseverance. Listen to Valerie E. Patton, President and Chief Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Officer of Greater St. Louis Foundation, as she details the importance of inclusivity, especially with regards to the latest efforts of Greater St. Louis, Inc. Episode 168 is not one to miss – especially if you call St. Louis home!

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Episode 167: Preserving Organizational Culture w/ Patricia Asp

Could you spot the red flags of a culture that needs work? Join Patricia Asp, Founder and Principal at ASPire, and Lisa as they discuss how important it is for leaders to empower their people with heart, mind, and hand. You’ll walk away with practical ways to touch the hearts of your employees to unleash their potential. Episode 167 is not one to miss.

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Episode 166: Leading from the Inside-Out w/ Jo Saxton

Your character is the intangible quality that can set you apart from others. Learning how to take care of yourself to remain calm and collected internally is imperative when leading others. Listen to how Jo Saxton, Author/Speaker/Leadership Coach, leverages words for good, nurtures her identity, and stays fresh as a leader.

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Episode 165: Best of 2021

Join us as we reflect on the incredible stories and advice shared by our 2021 guests. We’ve selected some of our favorite highlights for this episode of Something Extra. Celebrate a full year of inspiration with us as we celebrate the start of a new one!

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Episode 164: Staying Grounded with Your North Star w/ Jennifer Hopper

Leading in this shifted world requires being adaptable and honing in on what makes you human. Focusing on your guiding light in your personal life and career will help you to remain your best, balancing everything life has to offer. Listen to how Jennifer Hopper, CIO of Save A Lot, has learned how to be intentional and remain grounded in states of overwhelm. Episode 164 is not one to miss!

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Episode 163: The Importance of Mentorship w/ Dave Williams

As a leader, it’s your duty to be an example to your team. You’ve been placed in your role for a reason. Do you have someone who you look to for guidance in your career? Do you pour into others as a mentor? Consider the power of mentorship as you listen to Dave Williams, SVP, Corporate IT Operations & Employee Exp at Mastercard, and Lisa in the latest episode.

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Episode 162: Expanding Your Relational Intelligence w/ Nicole Unice

It is nearly impossible to “have it all together,” but it is possible to prioritize balance and putting your best foot forward. Learn how Jennifer Belmont Jennings, Wealth Advisor at Hightower Wealth Advisors, approaches financial stability and overall wellbeing in life. Listen to the latest episode of Something Extra!

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