Benefits of Maintaining Strong Communication With Your Candidates Through A Crisis

By Insights  Communicating with your candidates is always important, but maintaining strong communication with them during a crisis can set you apart from your competitors. Thanks to COVID-19, our economy came to a grinding halt in March, and businesses are facing unique challenges. On one hand, millions of businesses were deemed “non-essential” and were forced […]

Small Talk Will Change Your Interview Game

By Insights Even with a great résumé filled with the hottest tech skills and tangible work experience, the interview still plays the biggest role in any successful job search. You need to practice your interviewing techniques, study your professional history, and research the company in question. This effort helps ensure an exemplary performance, giving you […]

How Can Automation Increase Employee Productivity?

By Insights Employees in many industries are beginning to worry whether a computer, robot, or some other method of automation could be poised to take their job. In some areas, especially in the manufacturing world, this is a very real possibility. In many other spheres, however, such as companies comprised of workers in business sectors, are more […]

4 Tools Application Developers Should Have Experience Using Before Applying

4 Tools Application Developers Should Have Experience Using Before Applying   Of course, software engineers need to fully understand programming languages and how to build applications. Experienced programmers also boast experience in a wide range of tools that boost their productivity. If you are looking for a developer job, depending on the position’s specific requirements, expect to be asked about […]

The Secret to Getting the Most Out of Your Tech Team in the New Year!

As an employer, you want to make the most of your human resources. This means you want your tech team to be as productive and successful as possible. Sometimes, however, it’s difficult to know exactly how to motivate staff members to ensure they work up to their full potential.   If you want to get […]

Get More Out of Networking by Giving Back to Others

Networking is the key to finding great jobs in every industry. However, networking does not come naturally to everyone. A lot of people can get intimidated by the word and just shut down any attempts at becoming successful in the networking arena. You need to make sure you are doing networking right so you can […]
