Technical Certifications: Which Ones Catch Employers’ Eyes?

Getting certified in some of the most in-demand tech skills can liven up your resume. It’s key to keeping your career on the right path. However, people in the field question whether some certifications impress hiring managers when they’re selecting candidates. Let’s dive into the IT certifications that count when you’re hunting for a new […]

BEGIN Your IT Career With Professional Certifications!

by Insights If you are a fresh graduate with a technical degree in hand, embarking on your first job search seems pretty harrowing. After all, without any tangible professional experience – maybe except for an internship – are companies going to be interested in you? But don’t worry; one great way to bootstrap your tech […]

Why Certifications Alone Won’t Land You Your Next Job

Certifications show your familiarity with software and programming tools, but certifications are not the only qualifications you need to get information technology jobs. Employers are looking for more than just someone with technical knowledge – they want job candidates who can use that knowledge to produce results. You’ll need to show you have practical experience […]
