Something Extra with Lisa Nichols

Join our CEO Lisa Nichols as she interviews leaders from around the world to share their stories and show us what it takes to influence, encourage, and be a true leader in our daily lives.

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Episode 141: Courageous Curiosity w/ Laura Padousis

Laura Padousis believes the something extra every leader needs is curiosity. How beautiful it is to learn about the people and world around us by asking questions. When you allow your curiosity to lead conversations, you not only inspire an environment of collaboration, but you will get better solutions. 

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Episode 140: Leading Through Your Love Language w/ Gary Chapman

Regardless of who you are or what you do, we all have one thing in common: we’ve been created for relationships. There’s a good chance that someone has asked you what your love languages are, and if you haven’t, it’s about time you learn what yours is! Take a few moments to hear Dr. Gary Chapman, the man behind the love languages, speak about relationship building, communication, and leading others while standing in their shoes. 

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Episode 139: Knowing Your Leadership Voice w/ Kadi Cole

Do you know your leadership voice? If not, you’re in good company with leadership coach, Kadi Cole. Your day will be enriched by Lisa and Kadi’s conversion about leadership voice, stepping into your uniqueness, and celebrating those around you whom you couldn’t be more different. 

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Episode 138: Celebrating Change w/ Joan Malloy

How do you feel about change? Joan Malloy shares with Lisa in this week’s episode that having the willingness to change and adapt to the change around you can make all the difference in whether you’re successful or not. 

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Episode 137: The Beauty of Blind Faith w/ Roy Scott

In the words of Roy Scott, “You have to believe even when nobody else does. You have been given a vision and it’s essential that you stick to the course to see it come to fruition. You’ve got to have this unstoppable belief in yourself and your dream. You’ve got to have blind faith.” Take a few minutes out of your day to listen to Lisa and Roy’s conversation about changing the narrative, blind faith, and impacting the world around you.

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Episode 136: Defying The Doubters w/ Kara Goldin

In this Something Extra episode, you’ll find out why Founder and CEO of Hint Inc., Kara Goldin, calls herself an accidental entrepreneur and author. You will also walk away with the biggest factor in success, the value of taking risks, and how you will benefit from defying the doubters in your life.

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Episode 135: Getting Unstuck w/ Mark Herschberg

When you jumped into your career, there was an expectation that you were prepared with the skills critical to your success, but were you? We’re eager for you to get your hands on episode 135 with Mark Herschberg, author of The Career Toolkit. 

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Episode 134: Gold Medal Moments w/ Jeff Glasbrenner

In life you will be offered many invitations; however, it’s vital to learn which one’s to accept and deny. Who knows, your next gold medal moment could be on the other side of your latest “yes”. In this week’s conversation with Jeff and Lisa, you’ll be inspired by Jeff’s story of choosing to be powerful over pitiful, learning to say “I’m okay”, and having the willingness to have a sense of humor – regardless of the situations life throws you into.

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Episode 133: You Can’t Be It If You Don’t See It w/ Kristine Swan

You can’t be it if you don’t see it. This is why Kristine Swan believes the something extra every leader needs is optimism and the ability to call out the greatness you see in those around you. You will walk away from our 133rd episode with action steps on how to instantly increase your growth quotient and how you can be the one to pave the way for a better tomorrow within your work environment.

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Episode 132: What Are You Doing With Your Dash? w/ Theresa Carrington

On your tombstone, there will be a dash between the dates listed for your first and final days on earth. It’s what you do with that dash that makes all the difference. How are you using yours? In this week’s 132nd episode, Theresa Carrington and Lisa Nichols discuss the importance of staying inspired, making a place at the table for the people you lead, and leadership that is driven by compassion.

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