Join the powerful technology community leading change in St. Louis and beyond. Thank you for taking the time to share a bit more about yourself. This will inform our mentor and sub-cohort matching processes.

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TechLX Testimonials

Check out what some of our most recent cohort members have to say.

woman leading a leadership workshop for Technology Partners
Participants engaging in an interactive workshop

"After participating in the hands-on workshops and learning how to maximize the tooIs we have at our disposal as consultants, I believeTechLX is a great way to network with other technology groups and companies."

"From truly optimizing the basics of things like asking questions to managing efficient and beneficial meetings, I have to say that this workshop is extraordinary."

What to Expect

We are truly excited that you have chosen to invest in your future. The St. Louis IT community is counting on rising leaders like you. Here’s a rough overview of what you’re signing up for:

  • Maximizing your mentor/mentee relationship (meeting a min. of three times)
  • Participating in a subcohort with your peers
  • Participating in workshops to develop the core leadership competencies for IT
  • (optional) Attending networking and leadership events
  • Presenting with your subcohort during the cohort graduation

Are you ready to start your journey?

When you are ready to develop as an IT leader and acknowledge the need for a partner to help guide and provide resources to you, we should talk.

Lets Talk

We’d be thrilled to meet you and hear what’s on your mind. Complete this form and we’ll get back to you to set up a time to talk about how we can help you meet your business objectives.


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