Something Extra:
Episode 077: Checking Your Blindspots with Greg Holder

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Author, Speaker, and Lead Pastor of the Crossing Church, Greg Holder, joins Lisa on a special episode about embodying a growth-filled culture, defining what success is for you, and how to become effective when leading people and a vision.

Bio: Greg Holder is a pastor, author, speaker, and story-teller. He has been the Lead Pastor for 20+ years at The Crossing, a multi-site church with four campuses across the St. Louis, Missouri area and a thriving online community. He is the author of Never Settle, The Genius of One, Advent Conspiracy, and translator of the book of Jeremiah for The Voice Bible.

SInce 2013, the Genius of One Conference has trained +1000 pastors across India, Kenya, Rwanda, Sierra Leone, Uganda, Zimbabwe, and Zambia. With a diverse assortment of interests, gifts, and training, including degrees in psychology and counseling, Greg brings unique insight into the development of God-honoring relationships. Greg’s next book will be released in Fall 2020 through NavPress.Greg’s next book, Never Settle, will be released in September 2020 through NavPress.

Greg's Something Extra: Keep your eye on the mission and potential threats

Links and Mentions:

The Genius of One

Never Settle

The Crossing

- Lisa Nichols, Host
- Scott Crosby, Executive Producer
- Daniel Williams, Recording Engine


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