Industry Insights

Does Your Company Need a Mobile App?

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Users increasingly access the Internet with a smartphone or other mobile device as opposed to a desktop PC. It’s a technology trend influencing the business world for at least the last decade.  

So consider the fact mobile web browsers provide a less than enthralling experience for many consumers. Does this mean your company needs to publish a mobile app? Should you target iOS, Android, or both?  

Let’s take a closer look at this critical topic on the minds of executives at many businesses. We analyze the pros and cons with advice on finding the mobile development talent your organization might need.  

What Businesses Benefit From a Mobile App?  

A recent study noted American consumers spend at least five hours each day on their smartphone or tablet. Ninety-two percent of that time is spent using apps. So if a small business wants to truly connect with its customers, investing in a mobile app makes sense. This approach includes crafting a cross-platform app available to both iOS and Android users. 

The benefits of a mobile app for a business remain numerous. We already talked about connecting with customers. But an engaging app experience also lets you provide news updates and advertise sales. Offering eCommerce functionality allows customers to purchase your products and services directly from their smartphone.   

However, crafting a high-quality mobile experience becomes essential in a competitive environment. Another study noted over 80 percent of users never launch an app after three months on their device. Needless to say, just throwing anything on Google Play or the App Store isn’t wise.  

Steps to Take Before Building a Mobile App  

Before developing an app, perform some external analysis of your market. Check to see if your competitors have their own apps. Do they provide a compelling experience with high-quality design and features?  

Additionally, verify how well your company’s web page renders in a mobile web browser. You might need to do a redesign to ensure it looks great on a smartphone. Consider combining a web redesign with a mobile app project to leverage creative assets efficiently.  

Find an Excellent App Development Partner  

Partnering with an experienced app development company is another smart idea. After all, hiring mobile development talent costs a premium in a competitive job market. The best firms are skilled in building apps for the iOS and Android platforms. 

When searching for a great mobile development company, look no further than the team at Technology Partners. As one of the top custom app providers in the Midwest, we can help your organization with expert talent or a full team. Schedule a meeting with us as soon as possible.   

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