Case Study:
Meeting Church Members Where They Are

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Seeking to connect to a new audience, a mega-church joins forces with Technology Partners.

Mobile apps provide churches an easier way to unify, engage, and inform their attenders. Connecting in-service, or during the week, through their most-preferred device allows for increased participation, giving, and more.

The challenge

Our client, a mega-church located in the Midwest, needed a way to reach the infrequent, yet committed, churchgoers in a way that met their fast-paced lifestyles. After adding a weekly live stream to their offerings, our client was able to keep mobile workers engaged regardless of where they were located on the weekends. However, they were still missing an opportunity for online mobile giving and event registration.

The plan

Without a reliable way to communicate with churchgoers other than email, the client knew they needed a more interactive channel for people to glean information at their own pace and on their own schedule. The church communicated their desire for a mobile app that would keep their content fresh, engaging, and easily accessible.

“We've been able to give our members an interactive tool to help them do what they need while also being able to share the experience with their friends.”
Communications Pastor

The results

Since launching their mobile app, our client has seen phenomenal results. With an increase in giving, the church is able to use more resources for initiatives in the community. Now, the church even creates “app-only content” like their worship set lists, the weekend program, and fun “easter eggs” like games for children’s ministry and more. Using this strategy, the church gives users a refreshed experience with each app interaction.

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