Case Study:
Leadership & Service Excellence for a Fortune 200

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Developing leadership and service excellence at a Fortune 200 financial services company

Aligning teams around a common understanding of “Service Excellence” is critical for delivering consistent results—no matter the industry. For a Fortune 200 Financial Services Company, dispersed IT teams and varying experiences of mid- to senior-level hires presented challenges in achieving this alignment.

The challenge

Without a clear, shared vocabulary for service excellence, new hires and seasoned professionals struggled to synchronize their approach to customer service across the company’s vast IT organization.

The plan

To address these challenges, the company turned to us to create and implement a comprehensive leadership development program focused on "Achieving IT Service Excellence."

The program, which involved over 1,000 IT employees, ensured that all new hires, regardless of their level, participated in the workshop within the first two years of employment. The workshop's goal was to establish a baseline understanding of service excellence that everyone could follow, from junior staff to senior leadership.

A key component of the program was leadership accountability. Leaders received additional briefings on how to model and reinforce the learned behaviors and skills with their teams. This not only ensured consistent follow-through but also created an environment where service excellence became ingrained in the organizational culture.

By creating a shared language around service excellence, we empowered our clients’ leaders and staff to deliver consistent, high-quality customer service, regardless of their previous experience or where they’re located. It’s about building a culture of accountability and connection.

The results

Strengthened Relationships: The workshops facilitated meaningful interactions between IT staff, allowing new hires to meet and build relationships with colleagues across different departments. These connections enabled smoother collaboration, fostering long-term relationships critical for executing tasks and projects.

Clear Customer Service Standards: New, early-career employees left the workshop with a firm grasp of the company’s customer service expectations. This provided them with a consistent foundation for understanding and delivering service excellence from day one.

Consistency in Service Approach: The program allowed mid- and senior-level hires to consolidate their disparate experiences into a unified service model. With a common vocabulary for customer service, the entire IT organization could operate with a cohesive mindset, ensuring consistency in how service was approached and delivered across all levels.

This leadership development initiative successfully bridged the gaps in communication, improved cross-team collaboration, and established a sustainable, company-wide understanding of service excellence. By empowering leaders to reinforce these behaviors, the company created a lasting cultural shift that improved both internal operations and customer satisfaction.

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