Case Study:
Healthcare Company Places People First with Trusted Partner

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Modern healthcare starts with modern systems and up-to-the-minute data.

Esse Health, seeks to lead the healthcare community by putting their focus on serving others. Utilizing the latest information, tools, and technology, Esse Health increases the quality of patient outcomes through preventative care and disease management. A company who places people first, Esse Health values the power of technology to serve the vital needs of all of their patients.

The challenge

Esse Health utilized real-time metrics to meet their patients’ needs, built by a third-party vendor entrusted with retaining its source code. When the source code was lost, Esse Health lost the ability to update their reporting system. They needed a fix that fit with their infrastructure and allowed for further improvements.

The plan

If Esse Health could find a partner who could conduct a forensic assessment of their code and redevelop their system, they could continue to use all of their existing hardware and data to keep their operation running. This would position the organization strongly for future enhancements, thus helping to secure their code for ongoing development.

It is estimated that 90% of businesses are held back in terms of growth and enhanced efficiency due to old technology.
PSP People Systems Process Ltd.

The results

Technology Partners created all-new source code from the ground up that integrated seamlessly with Esse Health’s existing backend systems. Technology Partners maintained the interface with which the Esse Health team was comfortable using and provided a modifiable foundation with extra layers of security and redundancy. Esse Health now has crucial access to the data and the assurance that their custom system will remain efficient for years to come.

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