Something Extra:
Episode 250: Seeking First to Understand with Bob Tiede

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“Leadership is not as much about knowing the right answers as it is about asking the right questions.” While all of our guests have wonderful insights into Something Extra, this might be one of our favorites. Join us for a special 250th episode as we hear from Bob Tiede on the importance of leading with questions and drawing out deep thoughts from your people.

Bio: Bob Tiede has been on the staff of Cru (formerly known as Campus Crusade for Christ) for 51 years – serving 8 years in Cru Campus and then 24 years as the CEO of Josh McDowell Ministry – a Division of Cru.  And Now 19 years on the U.S. Leadership Development Team – developing the next generation of leaders for Cru.  Bob’s blog is now in its 10th year and followed by leaders in over 190 countries.  Bob has written 5 very popular books, including “Great Leaders Ask Question – a Fortune 100 List” and “Now That’s a Great Question.”  Bob’s mission is to help leaders everywhere multiply their leadership effectiveness X10 by moving from “Let Me Tell You!” to “Let Me Ask You!”  Bob has been married to Sherry for almost 53 years is the proud Dad of 4 adult children – all married and 8 incredible Grandchildren – all who love to ask their “Papa Bob” questions!

Bob's Something Extra: “Leadership is not as much about knowing the right answers as it is about asking the right questions.”

Guest Links:

- Lisa Nichols, Host
- Jenny Heal, Executive Producer
- Joe Szynkowski, Marketing Support
- Kendall Brewer, Director of Leadership Programs
- Portside Media, Podcast Engineer

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