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Episode 241: Being a Purpose-Driven Entrepreneur with Bryan Citrin

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Bryan Citrin was once told, “If you can achieve your dreams on your own, you are not thinking big enough.” This advice has bled into his life as a missionary, entrepreneur, and public speaker. We invite you to listen to this episode as Bryan shares how his sales career started at the age of eight selling rocks and has progressed into financially supporting the needs of those he’s encountered along his journey.

Bio: Bryan Citrin is the author of Wild Expectance and an in-demand public speaker and entrepreneur driven by a heart for people. He was forever impacted by his first mission trip to Haiti. There, he was broken by the drastic needs of families living in dirt floor huts and children going hungry. He met people without an opportunity for an education or work. Bryan launched an online marketing business to financially help the many needs he saw. His company quickly took off, enabling him to help business leaders around the United States. He has traveled for mission work all over the world, including six trips to Vietnam and 28 trips to Haiti. In the United States, he has mentored students through a campus ministry for over a decade at universities such as the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Southern California (USC). Bryan has a Bachelor of Science in Entrepreneurship, is a Two Comma Club Award winner, and is an active member of the Forbes Agency Council. In his free time, Bryan loves adventure sports like snowboarding, rock climbing, and sleeping on a portaledge off the side of cliffs.

Bryan owns, a software brand every business needs to leverage A.I. and automation to streamline and scale their business.

Bryan's Something Extra: "I believe that every leader needs to care about your team, your vendors, and your customers more than yourself. By caring about them as a person, you can pour the leadership you have developed yourself over the years into them.”

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- Lisa Nichols, Host
- Scott Crosby, Executive Producer
- Jenny Heal, Podcast Coordinator
- Joe Szynkowski, Marketing Support
- Kendall Brewer, Director of Leadership Programs

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