Something Extra:
Episode 179: Redeeming Time for The Creator in You with Jordan Raynor

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Do you have aspirations of being purposeful, present, and wildly productive with your time? We encourage you to listen as Lisa speaks with Jordan Raynor, CEO of Jordan Raynor & Company, who looks at how peace is the foundation for better time management. Jordan creates content to help people live out this truth by bridging his entrepreneurial background with research from the fields of productivity, faith, and brain science. These powerful words of wisdom will leave you inspired!

Bio: Jordan Raynor helps Christians respond to the radical, biblical truth that their work matters for eternity. He does this through his bestselling books (The Creator in You, Redeeming Your Time, Master of One, and Called to Create), podcast (The Call to Mastery), and weekly devotional (The Word Before Work)—content that has served millions of Christ-followers in every country on earth.

In addition to his writing, Jordan serves as the Executive Chairman of Threshold 360, a venture-backed tech startup which Jordan previously ran as CEO following a string of successful ventures of his own. Jordan has twice been selected as a Google Fellow and served in The White House under President George W. Bush.

A sixth-generation Floridian, Jordan lives in Tampa with his wife and their three young daughters. The Raynors are proud members of The Church at Odessa.

Jordan's Something Extra: A verdict for one's life that is separate from his/her performance.

Links and Mentions: 

- Lisa Nichols, Host
- Scott Crosby, Executive Producer
- Daniel Williams, Recording Engineer

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