Something Extra:
Episode 162: Expanding Your Relational Intelligence with Nicole Unice

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Research has shown that the lack of meaningful connections in your life is more dangerous than smoking 15 cigarettes a day. But how do you foster deeper relationships with people? What are the barriers? What steps must you take to overcome them? Join Lisa and leadership consultant, Nicole Unice, as they provide a path to expanding your relational intelligence and mastering your presence as a leader in this week’s episode of Something Extra!

Bio: Nicole brings 20 years of leadership and counseling experience to her work as a coach and communicator. Nicole’s passion is facilitating environments of safety and vulnerability so that individuals and communities can courageously identify obstacles keeping them from maximum potential.

In her books and videos, Nicole is passionate about making transformation attainable and accessible to people in all stages of life. As a coach, Nicole brings clarity and courage for individuals and teams as they pursue a preferred future. As a speaker, Nicole brings both wit and wisdom to the platform, with an honest and vulnerable approach that appeals to both faith and leadership environments alike. Her latest book, “The Miracle Moment: How Tough Conversations Can Actually Transform Your Most Important Relationships” invites readers into the practical steps to creating miracle moments within all of their relationships.

Nicole works around the world but loves her home in Richmond, VA, which she shares with her husband and three kids. Nicole holds degrees from the College of William and Mary and Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, and serves on the board of CHAT, a local nonprofit focused on restorative work with young people in poverty.

Nicole's Something Extra: Your presence.

Links and Mentions: 

- Lisa Nichols, Host
- Scott Crosby, Executive Producer
- Daniel Williams, Recording Engineer

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