Something Extra:
Episode 128: Cultivating a Workplace of Vulnerability and Empowerment with Johanna (José) Zeilstra

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Do you know, on average, the percent of people struggling with imposter syndrome today? The numbers may shock you. José and Lisa cover leadership tactics in today's social climate, how to be relatable to those around you, and how you can strategically market your values as a customer.

Bio: Johanna is an established business strategist and an accomplished leader for both start-ups and global corporations. Over the past two decades, she has worked at PricewaterhouseCoopers and JPMorgan Chase, and with over a dozen client corporations, including Delta Airlines, Sony Pictures Entertainment, Philips, Lucent, Disney, Bank of America, and Occidental Petroleum. Her career has led her to work in Canada, China, Indonesia, France, and The Netherlands. She acts as a coach to senior executives on boards and top teams and has a passion for supporting and advancing women leaders.

Johanna currently runs Gender Fair, a platform that uses data analytics to determine an organization’s progress towards gender equality and diversity. Prior to this, Johanna co-founded GiveBack, an innovative platform that makes it easy for companies to build authentic and impactful cause marketing, workplace giving and other social responsibility initiatives. GiveBack was launched on the Oprah Winfrey Show during her final season in 2011.

Johanna is originally from the Netherlands and educated in Canada where she earned an undergraduate degree in Sociology and a Masters degree in Business Administration. She resides in Westchester, NY, where she runs the Women Entrepreneurs Network and serves on several boards.

José's Something Extra: Empathy. Studies show that 70% of people have imposter syndrome. They go to work and feel unqualified and unsure of themselves and their capabilities. We are currently seeing a lot of angst and social anxiety that is going on in women - especially in parents. So I believe that the leaders out there have the responsibility to be authentic and be relatable to those around them on that level.

Links and Mentions: 
Gender Fair
Gender Fair App

- Lisa Nichols, Host
- Scott Crosby, Executive Producer
- Daniel Williams, Recording Engineer

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