Something Extra:
Episode 126: Learning to Listen with Syd Ryan

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Do you know the secret sauce of how to establish relationships with your customers? In this 126th episode of Something Extra, Lisa and Syd discuss the behind-the-scene ingredients that make for a successful recipe when it comes to customer relations, especially with women. 

Bio: Syd Ryan is the Chief Culture Officer and Co-Founder of cabi. When asked of when she feels the most wholehearted, she thinks of her time as a part of a team or group of dear friends collaborating around an exciting vision–living out her why–to help others discover and pursue their unique dreams so the world doesn’t miss out. Nothing fills her up more than helping to create an environment where others feel safe and supported to step out and try things–things they never thought they would or could–and personally grow, embracing wholeheartedness!

Syd's Something Extra: The ability to stop, slow down, and really listen. This is especially essential in a women's organization. Women need to feel known and feel safe in order to step into trying new things and grow into their best selves.

Links and Mentions: 

- Lisa Nichols, Host
- Scott Crosby, Executive Producer
- Daniel Williams, Recording Engineer

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