As we load up our grills with hot dogs and fill our pools with friends, it’s important to reflect on the sacrifices made by our amazing servicemen and servicewomen protecting our freedom.
Both of our fathers served in the military. Gene Nichols (Greg Nichols’ father) joined the United States Army when he was 17. At 19, he became the youngest sergeant at Ft. Campbell. He served in the 101st Airborne and the 508th.
Gene Thompson (Lisa Nichols’ father) was a sharpshooter in the United States Marines. He was stationed on many Atlantic Islands during the Korean War and ironically traveled there on the USS Missouri.
These incredible men set tremendous examples in our lives and have paved the way for how we run our company, lead our family, and treat our employees.
On this special Memorial Day, here are four lessons we learned from our dads.
Lesson #1: Do Hard Things Without Complaining
No matter how he felt, my dad never missed work because of an illness or injury. I remember getting into a truck with him one time when we worked together at a local hospital where he was an electrician and I worked in medical records. It was freezing cold that day. He had on a short-sleeve shirt, and I had on a coat. I asked why he wasn’t wearing a coat. “The cold is in your mind,” he said.
Dad did the hard things without complaining. His job was very physically taxing and difficult at times, yet he always counted it a privilege to have a job and took pride in performing it with excellence.
Lesson #2: Do Everything with Character
Another thing I remember noticing from a young age was just how well-liked my dad was. He was one of those guys who would give you the shirt off his back. He helped people wire their houses on the weekend. He drove our church bus when no one else would. He carried a real service mentality with everything he did and filled the gap when no one else was there.
My dad was a true man of character. I credit our company’s focus on the community to him because he modeled it throughout my life.
Lesson #3: Hard Work Works. My dad is the hardest-working person I know besides Greg. His approach has helped shape my work ethic in building relationships and positioning others for success. Greg’s dad had an impeccable work ethic as well. Without their examples, I don’t think we would have had the work ethic to go through the challenges of starting and running a successful business.
Lesson #4: Your Word is Your Bond. If you tell someone that you will do something, you better do it. There are no excuses unless of course you have extenuating circumstances keeping you from fulfilling the commitment. My dad taught me to always deliver on your promises – with family members, customers, and employees.
People deserve your best and that starts with honoring your word. This is where integrity and dependability intersect – and it’s one of the greatest lessons I took from my dad.
From our entire team at Technology Partners, we wish everyone a happy and safe Memorial Day. We are endlessly grateful for our military heroes. They sacrifice so much to keep our country strong and free. This is not the land of opportunity by chance.
We will continue to honor military personnel with our LIFT program (Lives Impacted. Futures Transformed.), as well as through meaningful, personalized gestures of appreciation to the veterans in our lives.
Thanks, Dad.