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5 Ways to Start Your Week Off On The Right Foot

Written by Kristen Wakulchuk | Mar 19, 2021 3:48:00 PM

Struggling to get going on a Monday after a fun weekend remains a workplace tradition. However, keeping your productivity at its highest throughout the week is an important aspect of any rewarding career. Ultimately, you need to be equally inspired on Monday morning all the way through Friday afternoon. 

With a productive workweek in mind, here are a few tips on starting Mondays like a gangbuster. Leverage this advice to make a positive impact on your company, and get noticed by your manager. In short, follow this approach, and a promotion is likely in your future. 

Spend Time Friday Afternoon Crafting a Plan for Next Week  

Before you leave on Friday, take a few minutes to create a plan for your next week. When you arrive at work Monday morning, you are already one step ahead of the game. This approach lets you hit the ground running; boosting your productivity level when you need it the most.   

A Positive Affirmation for Monday Morning  

Monday, after reviewing your plan for the week, declare that you are going to have a great week. Positive thoughts in this manner boast a tendency to create positive actions. So you think this seems trite? Try it out for a few weeks and watch it make a difference in your inspiration level. Then make a similar affirmation at the beginning of each day.  

A Meditation Session Helps Reduce the Stress of Mondays  

Spend time meditating before beginning your Monday workday. This simple act helps focus your thoughts, while also serving to reduce stress. In a similar manner as the affirmation advice, doing this every day pays dividends for your productivity.  

A Simple Smile Brightens the Mood of Your Coworkers  

Another simple gesture – smiling – has the power to start Monday off in a proper mindset. Remember, the technology world grows increasingly collaborative. Focusing on teamwork helps everyone accomplish more. Putting your coworkers in the right frame of mind by showing a positive attitude becomes contagious.  

A Sincere Approach Fosters Trust  

Make sure you stay sincere in all your interactions with coworkers and clients, especially on Monday. The best leaders include sincerity as one of their attributes; following a similar approach helps you become successful. Having coworkers trust you lets everyone work together in a productive manner. 

If you need help building a rewarding tech career, speak with the experts at Technology Partners. As one of the top IT staffing agencies in the Midwest, grow your professional life with us. Schedule a meeting with our team at your earliest convenience.