Case Studies | Go Farther, Faster with Technology Partners

Staffing Partnerships Built to Last

Written by Insights Contributor | Sep 7, 2024 2:08:35 AM

Staffing a Fortune 500 financial giant

More than 25 years ago, we partnered with a global leader in the financial industry that needed a partner to help grow their IT staff without breaking the bank. Today, that decades-long partnership is still going strong. In a recent 18-month initiative, Technology Partners played a pivotal role in identifying and recruiting more than 150 highly-skilled IT consultants, resulting in significant improvements in the client’s overall IT capabilities and project execution.

The challenge

Facing a high demand for IT professionals in a rapidly-evolving tech landscape, our client was struggling to attract and retain elite talent. Other recruiting partners were unable to keep up with the increased hiring volume, which led to project delays, hampered productivity, and added expenses from the extended vacancies.

The plan

By working to fully understand the client’s needs, Technology Partners tailored a recruitment strategy that combined traditional approaches with cutting-edge techniques, led by AI-driven candidate sourcing and direct outreach to potential candidates.

The results

We helped drive transformational improvement in the client’s hiring efforts. Our team of expert recruiters identified, assessed, and placed more than 150 highlyskilled IT consultants, significantly augmenting the client’s IT workforce.

By implementing a streamlined recruitment process, the average time-to-hire was reduced substantially, allowing our client to fill crucial positions faster and with greater efficiency. With the lowest margins in the industry, Technology Partners empowered our client to augment their workforce at a fraction of the cost required by our competitors.

The partnership

Our client’s successful collaboration with Technology Partners further strengthened a long-term partnership built over decades.

“This relationship goes back a long way,” said the Technology Partners’ Account Manager. “We actually helped placed their very first Agile Coach for their Agile Center of Excellence.”

“One thing this client, and all of our clients, love about us is our extremely low attrition rate,” they said. “We offer a collaborative environment thanks to our amazing human resources team. That’s a huge plus for our consultants. And we hold ourselves to a certain level of accountability to make sure our teams are performing. That’s great for the clients.”

Our proactive approach and personalized recruitment strategy proved to be a game-changer for the client, enabling them to overcome their hiring volume struggles and build a robust IT workforce.

Through this partnership, Technology Partners demonstrated our commitment to delivering tangible results to clients.